Stones; Pebbles, Rocks & Boulders

Created by Avis 3 years ago
There are many types of stones on a riverbed.
Pebbles move along when the river runs naturally.
Rocks move on when tributaries meet, increasing the river flow.
Boulders move on during heavy rainfall and extreme turbulent conditions.
 When the storm subsides, they find their next solid location and settle again.
There they remain, continuing to resist forces that move pebbles and rocks around them.
Uncle Norman was a BOULDER. Steadfast.
Reliable and dependable was he.
Uncle Norman was present at every family function, it may not have been “his thing” but he came and his presence was always appreciated.
He was consistent with the Christmas ham that converted hardened “non-pork” eaters and delighted all.
Comfortable in both worlds, rum and reminisce with the old men, jokes and hang outs with the youngsters.
Old and wise on the inside - forever young on the outside – his cheeky bajan smile.
Like a bolder in this life, I’m sure, it would have taken much turbulence to move him to another.
Like a bolder he will find a perfect location and reposition himself strong and steadfast.
Thank you for being a loving, funny and reliable father to my cousins and a consistent male family figure to us all.